DRONE AVSEC – Aviation Security Awareness Training

DRONE AVSEC – Aviation Security Awareness Training

All SACAA licensed drone pilots, ground crew and all other staff who require an identity pass to the restricted zone (RZ).


General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) meets the requirements in DfT TRANSEC under EU‐OPS, ICAO, ICAO Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention, EC‐regulations and ECAC recommendations, and SA CAA Part 109.

After the final skill test is completed and passed, a certificate is issued to the training organization or the individual user.

This course has five sections:

·  Threat to Aviation

·  Objectives and Organisation of Aviation Security

·  Restricted Zone Protection and Access Control

·  Prohibited Articles

·  The Trainee’s Role In Aviation Security

Sections – Five
Questions – Five
Duration – Two hours
Language – English
Initial training – Yes
Recurring – Yes

Course two

DRONE DG – Dangerous Goods Training

This course is designed for:

All SACAA licensed technicians and ground crew.


This course in dangerous goods complies with EU-OPS 1 subpart R, ICAO-TI, IATA-DGR, and Category 10 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Manual.


1. General Philosophy
2. Limitation
3. List of dangerous goods.
4. Labelling and markings
5. Recognition of undeclared DG
6. Storage and loading procedures
7. Pilot’s notification
8. Provisions for pax and crew
9. Emergency procedures

Method – CBT, CBT skill test
Sections – Nine
Questions – 250
Duration – Two and a half hours
Language – English
Initial training – Yes
Recurring training – Yes

For more information, contact conrad@kershal.co.za or call 066 297 3067 today.

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