Irans Shahed-136 loitering munition

Irans Shahed-136 loitering munition

The Shahed-136 drone is an Iranian-made unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that was first unveiled in 2014. It is a loitering munition, which means that it is designed to loiter over a target area before striking it. The Shahed-136 is a derivative of the Ababil-3 drone, which was first developed in the 1990s.

The Shahed-136 is a small, propeller-driven drone that is about 6 meters long and has a wingspan of about 4 meters. It is powered by a two-stroke engine and has a maximum speed of about 180 kilometres per hour. The drone has a range of about 1,000 kilometres and can carry a payload of up to 80 kilograms.

The Shahed-136 is equipped with a variety of sensors, including a camera, a thermal imager, and a laser designator. It can also be fitted with a variety of weapons, including bombs, missiles, and rockets.

The Shahed-136 is believed to be used by the Iranian military for both surveillance and attack purposes. It has been used in a number of conflicts, including the Syrian Civil War, the Yemeni Civil War and Ukraine

The Shahed-136 is a relatively simple and inexpensive drone, but it is also a very effective weapon. It is difficult to detect and track, and it can carry a significant payload of weapons. This makes it a valuable asset for the Iranian military.

The history of the Shahed-136 drone can be traced back to the early 1990s when Iran began developing the Ababil-3 drone. The Ababil-3 was a small, propeller-driven drone that was designed for surveillance and reconnaissance purposes. It was also equipped with a small payload of weapons, which could be used for attack purposes.

The Ababil-3 was a successful drone, and it was used by the Iranian military in a number of conflicts. In the late 2000s, Iran began developing a new version of the Ababil-3, which was called the Shahed-136. The Shahed-136 was a more advanced drone than the Ababil-3, and it was equipped with a number of new features, including a more powerful engine, a longer range, and a larger payload of weapons.

The Shahed-136 was first unveiled in 2014, and it was quickly put into service by the Iranian military. The drone has been used in a number of conflicts, including the Syrian Civil War and the Yemeni Civil War. It has also been used by Iran to target Israeli and American interests in the region.

The Shahed-136 is a versatile and effective drone, and it has become a valuable asset for the Iranian military. The drone is relatively simple and inexpensive to produce, and it is difficult to detect and track. This makes it a very effective weapon, and it is likely to be used by Iran in future conflicts.

In addition to its use in combat, the Shahed-136 has also been used for a number of other purposes. For example, the drone has been used to deliver humanitarian aid to areas affected by natural disasters. The drone has also been used to conduct scientific research, and it has been used to train pilots for other UAVs.

The Shahed-136 first appeared in Ukraine in September 2022. Russia is believed to have acquired the drones from Iran, and they have been used to attack military and civilian targets in Ukraine. The drones have been particularly effective at targeting power grids and other critical infrastructure.

Ukraine’s air defences have been able to shoot down a significant number of Shahed-136 drones, but the drones have still caused significant damage. In October 2022, a series of Shahed-136 attacks caused widespread power outages in Ukraine. The drones have also been used to attack military bases, airfields, and other strategic targets.

The use of Shahed-136 drones in Ukraine has raised concerns about the proliferation of these weapons. The drones are relatively cheap and easy to use, which makes them attractive to terrorist groups and other non-state actors. The use of drones in Ukraine also shows that Russia is willing to use Iranian weapons in its war against Ukraine.

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Gary Mortimer

Founder and Editor of sUAS News | Gary Mortimer has been a commercial balloon pilot for 25 years and also flies full-size helicopters. Prior to that, he made tea and coffee in air traffic control towers across the UK as a member of the Royal Air Force.