NATO Market Survey: Delivery of Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) Equipment

NATO Market Survey: Delivery of Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) Equipment

The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) seeks information regarding the availability, pricing, and delivery timeline of C-UAS equipment. This Market Survey is being issued to identify potential solutions, to calibrate requirements, and identify possible suppliers.

This is a Market Survey. It is NOT a solicitation for proposals nor a pre-solicitation notice.

The NCI Agency reference for this Market Survey is MS-CO-423252-C-UAS, and all correspondence and submissions concerning this matter should include this reference.

A Summary of Requirements and Questionnaire are found in the attachment. Other supporting information and documentation (technical data sheets, marketing brochures, catalogue price lists, descriptions of existing installations, etc.) are also desired.

Responses shall in all cases include the name of the firm, telephone number, e-mail address, designated Point of Contact, and a NATO UNCLASSIFIED description of the capability available and its functionalities. This shall include any restrictions (e.g., export controls) for direct procurement of the various capabilities by NCI Agency. Non-binding pricing information is also requested.

Responses are due back to NCI Agency no later than 23:59 hours Central European Time (CET) on 15 May 2024. Clarification requests can be submitted no later than 10 calendar days prior the MS closing date.

Please send all responses, via email, referencing MS-CO-423252-C-UAS in the title of the email to Mr. Radu Munteanu at: 

Product demonstrations are not foreseen during this initial stage. NCI Agency reserves the right to invite respondents to discuss their responses and to seek additional clarification from respondents.

Respondents are requested to await further instructions after their submissions and are requested not to contact any NCI Agency staff other than the POC identified above.

Any response to this request shall be provided on a cost-free and voluntary basis. Not responding will not prejudice or cause the exclusion of companies from any future procurement that may arise from this Market Survey.

Responses to this Market Survey, and any information provided within the context of this Survey, including but not limited to pricing, quantities, capabilities, functionalities, and requirements will be considered as indicative and informational only and will not be considered as binding on the participant or on NATO within the context of any future acquisition.

The NCI Agency is not liable for any expenses incurred by firms in conjunction with their participation in this Market Survey and this Survey shall not be regarded as a commitment of any kind concerning future procurement of the items described therein.

Your assistance in this Market Survey is greatly appreciated.

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